Austin Air is the only clinically proven air purifiers made in the U.S.A!
For decades, we have worked closely with some of the country’s leading institutions. For example, in 2000, the US government extensively tested Austin Air Purifiers alongside more than 100 others. The tests confirmed Austin Air Purifiers are the most effective at removing chemicals and VOC’s from the environment.
These ground-breaking tests led to work with FEMA and the American Red Cross during some of America’s most challenging times, including 9-11, Hurricane Katrina; Hurricane Sandy; and even the 2015 SolCal gas leak in California.
The American Academy of Pediatrics and the country’s number one children’s hospital, Cincinnati Children’s Hospital, selected Austin Air Systems to take part in a successful clinical trial that soon led to even more tests. Then, in 2009 we were approached by the renowned John Hopkins University Hospital in Baltimore, and we conducted several studies with the university. More recently, we have partnered with the University of Washington to investigate how using our air purifiers can help to reduce asthma symptoms in children.